Basic activity

Slovenian Foundrymen Society binds foundrymen and other experts, who are interested in foundry. It affiliates also interested firms and individuals from foreign countries. Basic aim is professional education with organizing of conferences, seminars, lectures, study excursions as well as publishing of central professional journal Livarski vestnik and mediation of professional literature. It publishes also Collection of lectures and seminars.

Foundation and membership

Slovenian Foundrymen Society was founded on the initiative of Slovenian foundry industry and University of Ljubljana in 1953. Since 1992 is member of WFO (World Foundrymen Organization), and also a member of MEGI - Central European foundry initiative, where operate foundry associations or societies of Austria, Germany, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland.

Journal Livarski vestnik

Livarski vestnik is published since 1954 with volume of 192 pages per year and informs Slovenian foundry with world achievements. It publishes professional and scientific articles of domestic and foreign authors.


Annual International Foundry Conference in Portoroz

Foundry Conference in Portoroz is main and traditional expert event of the Society. Currently preparations for 62th International Foundry Conference Portorož 2022 are in progress. 62. Conference will take place from 14 till 16 September 2022 in Portorož. Scientist from Slovenian and foreign universities and institutes will be participating, as well as foundry experts and suppliers for foundry industry.


Approximately 280 participants from countries all over the world participate in our International Foundry Conference in Portorož. Our Conference is an international meeting point for scientist and experts, brought together by foundry profession.


A foundry exhibition, where Slovene and foreign exhibitors present their novelties, is also taking place during our foundry conference. Conference also offers opportunities for formal and informal meetings in the framework of international associations, such as MEGI and WFO, as well as regular meeting of the Society's foundry magazine editorial committee, Livarski vestnik.