Slovenia declares end of epidemy coronavirus (SARS-COV-2)

Slovenian government on 31st May 2020 declared end of epidemy coronavirus, that was declared on 12th March 2020. Till 10th June 2020 there was evidently 1488 people infected by corona virus, and 109 people have died. Regardless of encouraging results of limiting the spread of virus, there are still some safety measures. In closed public spaces that cannot assure 1,5 meters distance between people, it is necessary to wear a face mask and disinfect your hands. At outdoor public places there can be 200 people at once.

National Institute for public health prepared special instructions for hotels, with emphasis on higher hygiene standards and safety rules, for better safety of guests. In hotels that are in our hotel offer for participants on 60th IFC Portoroz 2020, all public surfaces are being disinfected. There are disinfectants available in all common rooms, beforehand are also disinfected all hotel cards, keys and rooms after guests leave.

More information about it you can find on the following link for chain of LifeClass hotels, including hotel Slovenija with congress center, where our foundry event takes place.

We will inform you in time with more detailed safety measures at the congress center at the time of Conference and the foundry exhibition.

Date: 11/06/2020



Foundry industry and Slovenian economy faced the crisis that was caused by corona virus pandemic. Strategy that we followed in Slovenia for foundry industry and economy was that companies that had orders from buyers don’t stop the production and continue with strict safety measures. The first month of crisis all the foundries were operating, with administration staff working from home. The situation significantly worsened in the middle of April for foundries that are suppliers for automobile industry. The fall of foundry production was also evident for foundries that have buyers in Italy, since Italy decided for general closure of companies. Foundries used the time of foundry outage partly for maintenance works. Most foundries kept the production on lower level and without multi-shift work. Foundries that are suppliers for critical supply chain were in a really good position during the crisis. Those are foundries that provide glass industry with products for food industry and pharmacy. Non-reduced or maybe even increased were and still are orders of foundries that provide castings for railway and agricultural machinery. Because of the many troubles that came with fall of foundry production, the Slovenian government prepared important palliatives for companies, that faced dramatic fall for business in the first shock. Firstly, there were assured measures regarding temporary layoff and covering the superannuation and partially sick leaves. In the second package the government came up with guarantee scheme with which they tried to ease the liquidity problems. Without these measures, companies wouldn’t be able to survive. With third package we got chance for subsidized short work time and extended temporary layoffs until the end of June. All these measures were concentrated on preserving economic activities and work places. If that was not taken care of, the number of unemployed would be much higher that it is now, and companies would be left out without cadres that are needed at re-start of production. Slovenian foundrymen Society together with Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia collaborated at formatting those important measures for Slovenian foundry and economy in general.

We are expecting the foundry production to start growing in autumn. Since Slovenian economy is strongly export oriented, its recovery depends on international market success. We expect the decrease of GDP to be between 5 to 7 %, and for the next year we expect it to start growing again.

Date: 11/06/2020